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Line art of black trophy with blue award ribbon centered on a yellow circle

CIRTL at UIC awards three successive levels of nationally-recognized certifications to endorse and highlight your accomplishments and commitment to implementing effective teaching practices for diverse learners. These certifications are open to UIC graduate students and postdocs of all disciplines and are an excellent credential to include in your curriculum vita or resumé.


Have Questions? Contact Us.

Certification Levels Heading link

  • Associate

    Recognizes the role of the CIRTL core ideas in effective teaching and learning as demonstrated through completing core coursework or programming.

  • Practitioner

    Addresses scholarly teaching using the CIRTL core ideas to improve students’ learning through the development and completion of a teaching-as-research (TAR)

  • Scholar

    Advances teaching and learning through a formal presentation of their teaching-as-research (TAR) project to the broader educational community at UIC or the CIRTL network.

colorful line art of lightbul turning into gears turning into a paper airplane


Each certification level has associated outcomes that that allow participants to demonstrate their commitment to implementing effective teaching practices to support diverse learners.

Check out our Learning Outcomes page to learn more.